Héctor Zagal

SpecialityDoctor of Philosophy from Navarra’s University (Spain)

Session 2: Journey to the center of men 

Doctor of Philosophy from Navarra’s University (Spain). Panamericana’s University Professor and researcher (Campus Mexico). Member of the National Researcher’s System

Essay writer, novelist and culture communicator in social media, radio and television. Among his books, we find “The ethical rescue of the company and the market” (2001) written together with Carlos Llano; “About hospitality” (2005), written together with Julían Etienne; “Gluttony and culture” (2014) and “Understanding thoughts” by Carlos Llano. (2014)

As an Aristoteles’ expert, he has published, among others, the following books: “Happiness, virtue and pleasure. The good life according to Aristóteles” (2013); “Friendship and happiness inside Aristoteles” (2014); “Virtues. Happiness plot according to Aristoteles.” (written together with Victor Gómez, 2019)

All session
by Héctor Zagal

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contact us at euhofa@sg.edu.mx

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